Film & Theater studies Apply the instructions and questions 1-5 to each of the following plays: 1. Fences 2. ¿De Dónde? 3. That Championship Season 4. “Master Harold”… and the boys 5. A Doll’s House 1. There are many messages about races and

Film & Theater studies

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Apply the instructions and questions 1-5 to each of the following plays: 1. Fences 2. ¿De Dónde? 3. That Championship Season 4. “Master Harold”… and the boys 5. A Doll’s House 1. There are many messages about races and genders represented in each play. Please select what for you is the most significant insight into the following seven specific ethnic and gender groups (Column B) in each play. A.) Black Elk Speaks B.) Native Americans/American Indians ¿De Dónde? Hispanics/Latinos “Master Harold”… White South African males AND Black South African males (NOTE: For questions1-3 you may consider South African society as a whole, but for #4, you must list positives and negatives separately for each group –Black…and White…, totaling 16 responses.) Fences African-American males …Championship….. European-American males A Doll’s House 19th century Europeans 2. Give three reasons why this insight (#1) is most significant to you personally -not why the insight is significant in general, but why it is important TO YOU. (Brief Example: The most significant insight into Martians that I received from Outer Limits, Out of Touch is that contrary to popular perception and belief, Martians do not have big heads, big eyes, and green skin. [1] This new knowledge is most significant to me because it corrects false information that I had been taught all my life. [2]Further, this enlightenment has opened my eyes to other possible erroneous information and perceptions that I have taken for granted, and thereby has opened me to broader experiences. [3]Finally, this new information makes it more likely that I and others might accept more easily -or at least communicate with- our new neighbors, the Martians. More close-to-home, it inspires me to learn more about the Aryan-looking family with the skinhead son who just move in next door before closing my door and heart to them . 3. A.) Select one passage from each play that comes closest to expressing or embodying each of the 6/7 messages or insights you selected in #1. B.) Please identify each passage by page number, and by the action that takes place. It is not necessary to copy entire passages. C.) Explain why or how you feel each passage embodies each message. 4. A.) What is the time period (specific year/s) in which each play is set? B.) Name or describe at least one specific significant historical event (“real-world” event) that happened in each society represented at the time each play was set. C.)What effects (at least two) might these events and/or the social climate have on the characters in each play, the events of each play, the message of each play, OR the title of each play? 5. Based on the ways they are represented in the plays, list A.) four “negative” and B.) four “positive” characteristics for each of the seven groups listed in question #1 column B. It is not necessary to give reasons for you selections. (Reminder: “Master Harold”… requires 16 total responses)

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